Administrator, Wendy at [email protected] – 626-683-8243

Billing Questions, Sandi at [email protected] 626-272-3424


FACEBOOK:   TWITTER: @rotarypasadena


ADMINISTRATOR & ACCOUNTANT are both Consultants who administrate the Club we do not have a Rotary Business office.  MAILING ADDRESS:  556 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Ste 101 #379, Pasadena 91105. 

PASADENA ROTARY CLUB is the largest club in District 5300 with over 200 members with over 100 attendees at our weekly meetings.  38% of our membership is female.

Age Demographics are Age 0-49 =17%; Ages 50-69 = 46% and ages 70-80+ = 36%.

PASADENA ROTARY CLUB MEETINGS:  Every Wed. at 12 noon, during this Pandemic, we continue to hold our meetings via zoom with weekly attendance of 75-95 members attending.

The meeting is open to the public just rsvp to [email protected] for zoom link.

Rotary is a service organization – why does Rotary have so many members who have been members for 10 to 50 years.  It’s Club where members abide by the FOUR-WAY TEST and through this develop lifelong friends, enjoy socializing weekly and doing good deeds.


  1. Is it the TRUTH
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 
  3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?  
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

SERVICE PROJECTS include: Teachers of Excellence, Community Grants, Done In A Day, Bikes for Christmas, Shop with a Cop, Giving From the Home, Weekend Backpacks, International Projects, Teen Leadership Camp, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, Four Way Speech Contest, Dan Stover Music Competition, Toy Drive, Read Across America.  Pasadena Rotary raises funds weekly for its PolioPig.

TYROS – As part of your membership, all new members of the Club are enrolled in a special group called TYROS which meets for lunch the 2nd Monday of each month (12:00 pm) at the Athenaeum, Cal Tech at the Athenaeum for lunch.  The Chair is Sheryl Guerrero ([email protected]).  CURRENTLY THEY ARE MEETING MONTHLY through Zoom.

MEMBERSHIP:  Interested or know of someone interested in becoming a member.  Go to and you’ll find information under JOIN TODAY.  Or contact Membership Chair:

Howard Raff at [email protected] or 626-712-4920.

CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP: Pasadena Rotary has a “Corporate Membership” in place with Primary & Associate members – inquire to Shel Capeloto – [email protected] for more information.

Cost to become a Member – FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY:  There is a special discounted one-time initiation fee of $100.00, (through 12/31/20) which will be in your first month’s billing.  Your first year will be $181 per month and following that year $161 (which includes 4 lunches a month at $25/each) per month plus any donations to foundations, social activities, etc.  Questions on billing contact the Club Accountant.  CURRENTLY Monthly fees are $39.00-$61.00/month.

MAY I SOLICIT THE MEMBERSHIP FOR BUSINESS IF I BECOME A MEMBER:  Upon becoming a member you’ll have online access to members and their contact information.  Member information shall not be used for the purpose of solicitation for non-club purposes nor shared with non-members.  CURRENTLY – Attending the weekly meeting offers you the opportunity to connect and engage with members during the break-out sessions or in one-on-one contacting.

IS THERE WAYS TO PROMOTE MY BUSINESS IN THE CLUB?  Yes – at our weekly Wednesday meeting, we have our Pink Polio Pig – members may make personal announcements or events at their company for a minimum donation of $20 to the Polio Pig. Also there is the opportunity to sponsor various Club Events.  And also network face to face with fellow members at the weekly meeting.  We encourage members to network during lunch and to look to fellow members whenever a service is needed.  DURING THIS PANDEMIC & WEEKLY ZOOM MEETING – you have an opportunity to connect one-on-one with fellow Rotarians during the BREAK-OUT ROOMS at these meetings.  Become active in Rotary joining and participating in committees and service projects.  The more you attend the various monthly events and committee meetings and activities, the more you will connect with fellow Rotarians developing friendships.

We also have an active Rotary Business Alliance Committee that meets monthly that is set up to network and discuss business alliances and issues – co-chairs: Cyril Vergis ([email protected]) & Wendy Anderson ([email protected])

 CHECK REQUEST/REIMBURSEMENT:  If Members incur costs for their Committees there is a process for reimbursement.  GO TO  Click on “Club Links” Scroll & click on “Documents’ to “Club Procedure Doc” then click on “Check Request Procedure” All Approved Check Requests should be submitted to the Monday before the Wednesday meeting. Checks will be available at the end of the Wed. meeting and picked up at the Check-in/Registration Desk.  Reminder:  All receipts must be in a pdf format & BE APPROVED BY THE COMMITTEE CHAIR OR CO-CHAIR in order to be processed.

SPOKES:  Spokes is published weekly and is sent out Friday morning via email.  All Information & Articles that are not coming from the president or the author of Scoot Zone must be submitted by Thursday noon.  That is a ‘hard’ deadline.  Spokes is also available online at – Scroll down the home page to “This Week In Spokes”.  Any new club event listing must be authorized by the President and Rotarians must receive authorization from the President to include advertisements of non-rotarian events.  They must be authorized before you submit the information to SPOKES.  Contact the Administrator to submit.

LEAVE OF ABSENCE (LOA):  Any request for a Leave of Absence from the Club must be in writing and approved by the Board of Directors.  For details please contact Administrator or get form off website

COMMITTEE CHAIRS/CO-CHAIRS:  You’ll find a list of Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs on the website under RESOURCES.

Upcoming Events

Pasadena Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Dan Stover Instrumental Music Competition
Topic: Organizer - Michael Bernard
March 12th 2025 12:00 pm
More info

Pasadena Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Alex Santamaria, President/CEO LAist
Topic: The Future of LAist
March 26th 2025 12:00 pm
More info

Meeting Information

Wednesdays at 12:00 PM
The University Club of Pasadena
175 N. Oakland Ave.
Pasadena, CA
Map It